Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Beginning...

Hello everyone. Welcome to our blog! I am doing this mostly for journaling purposes, so some of the posts might get really long... like this one! I just want to remember everything that happens to us, especially in our first years of marriage. We've already had quite a few awesome stories, and I'm excited to get this going! 

Its a good feeling in life when you finally get engaged to your handsome man, your best friend, and dream boy that you have already loved for around 5 years strong. Taylor proposed to me on Valentines Day, 2012. We knew we were getting married for quite a while before that, but were kinda slow at finding a ring. The simple ring I wanted ended up being impossible to find, and my ring finger is a size 3... so lots of places wouldn't even bother with us! I finally left him to find it, I couldn't take any more looking. When he finally picked it out, it took 6 weeks to make! We had picked our wedding date before we were even engaged, otherwise we would have ran out of time. The proposal went like this.
  • It was Valentines Day and i picked him up for school. On the way home, I said we should go on a Valentines picnic that night. He kinda looked at me surprised, but said okay lets do it!
  • He picked me up at 6 o'clock that night. I was still trying to find something to wear, and he was getting a little antsy that i was taking so long. I wondered earlier if he would propose that night, but neither my mom or my sister were helping me find something to wear so i thought he must not be proposing. ha!
  • We set out to Baker to have our picnic. He went all out, and I was a little confused! But knowing Taylor, I thought he was just trying to make Valentines day special like he always does. 
  • Starting the fire was quite the deal. There was still snow on the mountain, so it was tough to keep the fire hot. Using a lot of gas, the fire finally got going... and kept going... and lit the gas can on fire! He threw that can so far into the snow and we couldn't stop laughing.
  • We ate hot dogs {my fave!}, cheese sticks, and drank coke & hot chocolate. 
  • While sitting by the fire, Taylor said we were going to start a Valentine tradition. We were going to write our "story" down and add onto it every year. He went to the car, got out  some paper and pencils, and we began writing our love story.
  • We would trade the paper back and forth, each writing a line or two. When we got to the end, i was stumped. I just looked at him like "okay?? I think we're done..." Then he got the paper from me and wrote this down. "On one special Valentines night, Taylor played Paige a song." I thought What??
  • He went to his car, got out his guitar, and played & sang the song "Marry Me". My favorite song. By this time, I was trying not to cry. Taylor is such a good singer but kind of shy, so when he sings for me, i soak it up all i can!!
  • When the song finished, he got the ring out of his guitar bag, and knelt down on one knee. Obviously, he said "Paige, will you marry me?" and obviously, I said, "I didn't know you had the ring yet!" I'm lame, i know. But quickly after i giggled and said "Yes, of course i'll marry you." We hugged and hugged, he put the ring on me, and we were so excited!! We finished our love story on the paper. 
  • We quickly wrote up another love story, rolled it up, and threw it in the lake. We (mostly me) are still wondering if its there today, or if someone found it!
  • I kept looking at my ring on the way home. It is SO beautiful and sparkly! It is so perfect.Taylor always picks out the best stuff.
When we got home, my family was waiting for us. I gave Taylor his present, which seemed so lame now, but he loved it. I made him a blankee because he had wanted one for so long from me. It was going to be for Christmas, but my cousin told him I was doing that! I can never surprise Taylor, so i played it off and said I wasn't making him  a blanket. I made it for Valentines instead, but no he still wasn't surprised. Dang kid!! It turned out pretty cute though. And its so soft. We were so glad to be engaged!! And even better, it was only a two month engagement!! Perfect.
Taylors blankee on the right. The one on the left is the one he made me! This picture is from our wedding.

Thanks for stopping by and reading!


  1. You two are the cutest!! I love love love your love story. You guys are perfect for each other, so happy you guys got married!

  2. I love your proposal story! It is so cute and simple! Those kind are the best! :)
